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The fourth edition of the Competencies is a fully comprehensive document to guide the development of employees dedicated to the community college mission, vision, and values. Each employment classification includes focus areas aligned with the role and responsibilities for those positions. Focus areas are specific categories identified as having significance to the internal and external workings of the community college. Competencies are listed under each focus area along with illustrations as to what each competency means to jobs within each specific employment-level grouping.
Over 100 individuals participated in dialogues that informed the fourth edition. They represented a variety of stakeholders at all levels within the institution. These leaders reflected different age groups (Baby Boomer, Gen X, Millennial), ethnicities (Black, Latina/o/x, Asian Pacific Islander, and Native American), positions within the college (faculty, entry-level, managers, senior leaders, new CEOs, seasoned CEOs), and sexual orientations (LGBTQ). The goal in these conversations was to drill down and find out what was working well in the third edition of the Competencies and what competencies needed to be adapted or added when looking through both contemporary and forward-looking lenses.
This document is designed with two purposes in mind. The first is to be used as a tool for individuals interested in honing their leadership skills in their current jobs. And second, to be used as a tool for individuals aspiring to positions in higher education leadership. It was also developed to support college succession planning, as well as the identification and development of new talent.
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